Suzi Biggerstaff Memorial Scholarship Fund
A Scholarship Fund typically is established to provide education scholarships to individuals. The Donor (or persons designated by the Donor) has the option to be involved in the selection process for recipients.
Learn more about our scholarship process and past recipients here.
HCCF Scholarship Funds
Amo High School Alumni Associations Scholarship Fund
Frank W. and Edna Mae Barnes Scholarship Fund
Suzi Biggerstaff Memorial Fund
Gregory Alan Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund
Priscilla Himsel Carrington Scholarship Fund
Richard H. Crosser Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dollens Scholarship Fund
Edwards-Rigdon Scholarship Fund
Gary and Laona Emsweller Scholarship Fund
Clinton Fredwell Memorial Scholarship Fund
Donald & Mary Hanna Scholarship Fund
Hendricks County Law Enforcement Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jordan House Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kellum-Bly Scholarship Fund
Damon T. Leach Memorial Scholarship Fund
Betty Masselink Memorial Scholarship Fund
Gladys V. (Nickell) Pritchett Scholarship Fund
Pliny and Mildred Randall Scholarship Fund
Shelton Family Scholarship Fund
Smitherman Family Scholarship Fund
Stilesville High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Russell M. Webb Memorial Scholarship Fund