Welcome to the Hendricks County Women's Giving Circle!
2025 Membership for the Hendricks County Women's Giving Circle has closed, but will reopen November 2025.
The Hendricks County Women's Giving Circle (HCWGC) is a women’s philanthropy group, a program of the Hendricks County Community Foundation (HCCF). This group is designed to provide financial support for local nonprofit organizations while encouraging philanthropy and community engagement among women in Hendricks County.
Each member donates annually to support the nonprofits selected through a grant application process. The Giving Circle will officially launch in the spring of 2025. The membership will gather for a "Meet & Greet" in the spring (March) and then will meet 3 more times in 2025 (June, September, and November) to award the selected nonprofits with grants.
Here are the steps to becoming a member and participating in the Giving Circle:
Step 1: Donate $300 to become a member of the Hendricks County Women’s Giving Circle. The deadline for 2025 membership was January 15, 2025. Membership for 2026 will open in November 2025.
Step 2: All donations will be pooled and these dollars will be awarded in 2025 to local nonprofits serving women and children.
Step 3: HCCF will notify qualified nonprofits that grant applications for funding from the HCWGC are open from January – February 2025. Nonprofits will apply through the Community Foundation's grant application process.
Step 4: Once all applications are received, HCWGC members will review the applications (online) and grade them based on an established rubric. The process to review and use the rubric will be explained in detail to HCWGC members in the spring.
Step 5: The top 9 scoring nonprofits will be invited to present at a HCWGC meeting (3 at each meeting in June, September and November).
Step 6: At each grant meeting, all the members will vote on the presenting nonprofits to decide 1st, 2nd and 3rd level grant awards. Grant sizes are determined by membership enrollment. Each of the top 9 scoring nonprofits will be awarded a grant of some amount.
Step 7: HCCF will distribute grant checks from the Women's Giving Circle Fund to the selected nonprofits, enabling them to expand their vital services for women and children in Hendricks County! The winning nonprofits will report to the membership the following year on how the funds were used and the resulting impact.
Our goal for our inaugural year was 100 members but we far exceeded that goal. We now have 174 Founding Members of the Hendricks County Women's Giving Circle!