HCCF manages over 200 different funds, each with a different purpose. These funds provided over $1.6M in grants in 2023 to support nonprofits and projects across Hendricks County and beyond.

2022 Grantmaking by Fund Type
Generally, nonprofits apply to HCCF’s unrestricted funds, which provide about 34% (approximately $275,000) of HCCF’s annual grantmaking each year. However, in 2022, 2023, and 2024, HCCF held back some unrestricted grantmaking due to the increased impact of ARPA grant dollars. Regular levels of unrestricted grantmaking will return in 2025.
In 2022, the Community Foundation partnered with the Hendricks County Commissioners and Hendricks County Council to distribute around $6.6M in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to nonprofits serving in Hendricks County through 2024. Due to this influx in funding, HCCF is holding back some of its unrestricted funding to build a pool for 2025 once ARPA funds are no longer available. All other funds will continue grantmaking as normal. The Needs Assessment data was also updated in 2022.
We anticipate three primary grant programs in 2025:
- Community Impact Grants (TBD)
- Community Unity Grants Program (Ongoing)
- Open Application Grants (Ongoing)
NOTE: Due to an ongoing partnership with the Parks Foundation of Hendricks County, HCCF no longer accepts applications from parks, trails and outdoor spaces. Potential grantees in this sector should contact the Parks Foundation of Hendricks County regarding the Gary Emsweller Parks and Trails Fund.
If you have questions about HCCF’s grantmaking priorities or which type of grant you may qualify for, please contact HCCF's Vice President of Programs, Eric Hessel, at eric@hendrickscountycf.org or 317.268.6240.