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For Our CommUNITY


For Our CommUNITY


HCCF values collaboration within our community.  We work to collaborate with other nonprofits, government, business and others.  We encourage and sponsor collaborations among others as well to reduce duplication of services and increase our community's capacity.  Here are a few examples of recent collaborations.  Please contact us for more information or to explore other ways to work together.

Community Behavioral Health Plan

In 2022 the Community Foundation partnered with the Hendricks County Health Partnership and other stakeholders to convene a Behavioral Health Community Planning process.  A steering committee oversaw the process, and HCCF contracted with Community Solutions to facilitate the process.  The planning process was paid for through a grant from funds our county received from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).  The resulting Behavioral Health Community Action Plan was released in December 2022 and the Health partnership is overseeing implementation.

Parks Foundation of Hendricks County

In 2022, HCCF entered into a partnership with the Parks Foundation of Hendricks County.  This long-term strategic partnership aims to maximize both organizations' goal of supporting parks, trails and outdoor spaces throughout Hendricks County.  In this formal partnership, HCCF will now defer all parks and trails improvement projects to apply for grant funding directly through PFOHC. This new process will allow parks departments equal opportunity to compete for available grant dollars. Additionally, HCCF will now lean on the expertise of PFOHC to make decisions related to the greatest needs of the parks and trails systems in Hendricks County. Parks in Hendricks County are invited to apply for these grant dollars through PFOHC.

Parks, trails, or other outdoor spaces should contact the Parks Foundation for potential funding opportunities. 

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