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For Donors

Start a New Fund

For Donors

Start a New Fund

The Community Foundation has the expertise, flexibility and means to help donors realize their goals for giving back.  Whether you want to support a single organization, support a cause that's important to you, or just help make our community better, we can work with you to create that impact.  One of the prinicple tools we use are our funds.

Funds at the Community Foundation are the way we structure our work.  Each fund is started by a donor for a specific charitable purpose, and grantmaking from the fund supports that purpose. It's like an independent nonprofit under our larger umbrella. Each fund is maintained separately in our accounting, but the assets are pooled for investment purposes. HCCF funds can be structured in one of two ways: either permanent (endowed) or non-permanent (pass-through). While an endowed fund allows for the maximum long-term, sustainable financial impact for the recipient, a pass-through fund is appropriate to fund either a short-term project or a charitable organization that has not yet achieved its 501(c)(3) status.

HCCF is here to help donors find the best way for them to give back to the community they care about. Each option below offers the donor varying degrees of participation in the future grantmaking of the fund.

We would love to talk to you about starting your own fund here at the Community Foundation! 

Call William at 317-268-6240 or email him at

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