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American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grants

For Nonprofits

American Rescue Plan Act Grants

This Program ended in 2024.

The Hendricks County Community Foundation (HCCF) partnered with the Hendricks County Commissioners and Council in 2022 to assist with the distribution of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to nonprofits working in Hendricks County. HCCF designed and conducted a grant application process to distribute up to $6.6 million of these funds. Grants are offered as a three-year competitive grant program in 2022, 2023 and 2024, and one-time noncompetitive grants in 2022. The Hendricks County Commissioners and Council retain the final approval of all grant recommendations and payments.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by Congress and signed by President Biden to speed up the country's recovery from the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing recession. The funding Hendricks County received is part of the $350 billion to help state, local, and tribal governments bridge budget shortfalls and mitigate the fiscal shock of the pandemic. Per the final ruling from the US Treasury, all ARPA funds must be allocated by December 31, 2024 and expended by December 31, 2026.

Through an open and transparent application process in 2022, the HCCF Program Committee recommended noncompetitive grants of approximately $5 million for community organizations that, along with their clients, were most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Community Foundation also recommended over $500,000 in competitive grants both in 2022 and 2023, with an additional $300,000 to be offered in 2024. See below for past recipients, eligibility and more information.

Eligibility for Competitive ARPA Grants

Who/What is Eligible:

  1. All nonprofits (i.e., 501(c)(3) public charities in good standing) that serve Hendricks County will be eligible to apply for grants to support programming in Hendricks County.  Volunteer fire departments may also apply, even if they do not have 501(c)(3) status.
  2. Applicants must be in good standing with the Internal Revenue Service, the Office of the Indiana Secretary of State of Indiana, and any other pertinent governing body.
  3. Programs/projects must serve Hendricks County.
  4. Programs/projects must meet a measurable or demonstrable need in Hendricks County.  
  5. Programs/project must not discriminate in terms of program provision, and the applicant organization must not discriminate in staffing or hiring decisions.
  6. Funds must be used specifically for the purposes stated in the application

Who/What is Ineligible:

  1. For-profit companies. 
  2. Local units of government and houses of worship are ineligible for funding through this program, with the exception of volunteer fire departments, which may apply.
  3. Grants to individuals or families for personal needs
  4. Bands, sports teams or other groups without a philanthropic project
  5. Annual appeals or membership contributions
  6. Fundraising events such as galas, golf tournaments, walk-a-thons and fashion shows
  7. Projects aimed at promoting a particular religion or construction projects for religious institutions
  8. Organizations or projects that discriminate based upon race, sex, age, color, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, citizenship status, genetic information, military service/veteran status, or any other category protected under state or local law
  9. Political campaigns or projects aimed at promoting a particular political party or candidate
  10. Post-event, after-the-fact situations or debt retirement
  11. Endowment or reserve-building
  12. Classroom/teacher grants and schools/school districts
  13. Parks and trails (Organizations should contact Katy Cummings, Executive Director of the Parks Foundation of Hendricks County, at

Grantees will be required to submit quarterly reports on the progress of their programming and expenditures.

Disclaimer: These lists are not exclusive, if you are curious about whether or not your organization/project/program is eligible, please contact HCCF Vice President of Programs Eric Hessel at or 317.268.6240.

2024 Timeline

Application open: June 5

Applications close: July 10

HCCF Program Committee Review: July 11 – Aug 30

Approved Grants Paid by County: October/November

Following submission of applications, competitive ARPA Grant Applications will first be reviewed by the HCCF Vice President of Programs for completion, eligibility, and broad reasonability. Following this general review, applications will be reviewed by HCCF Community Grants Committee. The HCCF Grants Committee is made up of HCCF Board members, donors, ARPA Planning Committee members, and community volunteers. The HCCF Grants Committee will make funding recommendations to the ARPA Planning Committee, which will, in turn, make recommendations to the Hendricks County Commissioners and County Council for final approval.  All grants will be subject to final approval by the Commissioners and Council.

Grant Size

We anticipate approximately $300,000 will be distributed through this competitive process in 2024.  Applicants are encouraged to detail needs in their applications.  Grantees will be required to submit quarterly reports on the progress of their programming and expenditures.

Preview Competitive ARPA Grant Application 

Preview Competitive ARPA Grant Budget Template

View a PDF version of the application before applying. NOTE: This is a preview only. Only applications submitted through the online grant portal will be accepted.

Hendricks County ARPA Grant Program Informational Webinar (2022)

Non-Competitive ARPA Grants

In mid-2022, the ARPA Planning Committee and County Commissioners approved the following organizations for noncompetitive ARPA grants:  

  • Family Promise of Hendricks County
  • Hendricks County Community Foundation
  • Hendricks County Food Pantry Coalition
  • Hendricks College Network
  • Hendricks County Senior Services
  • Hope Healthcare Services
  • Mental Health America of Hendricks County
  • Sheltering Wings
  • Susie’s Place Child Advocacy Center
  • Sycamore Services

This list was developed by identifying those organizations that served the community most directly during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly during 2020 and 2021. ARPA Expenditure Categories provided by US Treasury were also referenced to include any additional organizations that met the primary focus of the ARPA Funds.

Non-competitive grantees will be ineligible for competitive ARPA Grants, unless they have a compelling need that goes beyond the scope, in program or funding allocated, in the noncompetitive process.  Any such needs identified will be required to go through the competitive application process. 

Grantees will be required to submit quarterly reports on the progress of their programming and expenditures.

If you have any questions, please contact HCCF Vice President of Programs Eric Hessel at or 317.268.6240.

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