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HCCF Responds to COVID-19

Phase 3 - Recovery Grants

Phase 3 - Recovery Grants

Phase 3 - Recovery Grants were designed with the future in mind. As our community started to see light at the end of a long year, the HCCF Board approved four, $10,000 unrestricted grants to the following organizations to continue to serve those most in need in our community:

The Board also set aside additional funds for needs that may arise during the first half of 2021. Grants are available on an as needed basis. Interested organizations should contact HCCF Vice President of Programs, Eric Hessel, at

Additional Phase 3 grants were made to the following organizations: 

At this point, HCCF does not anticipate additional COVID-19 response phases. If your organization has COVID-related needs, please contact HCCF Vice President of Programs, Eric Hessel, at

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